The Full Frame


My name is Daniel Ramirez, and this is part of my life. Twenty-five, 5’9″ 170 lbs.

I have 6 years of manufacturing experiences, 6 years of clinical experiences, 7 years of photography experience.

I strive to learn as much as I can about anything that I should encounter. I have a lot of experience with computers, electronics, cars, photography. A moderate amount of experience with research, chemistry, programming.

I enjoy traveling to new places and I very much enjoy teaching others about my experiences and just about anything else that I have learned.

I like to cook interesting and tasty foods but currently I especially enjoy creating Japanese cuisine.

My previous jobs consisted of:

Professional Janitor (Kellogg’s Co.)

Professional Forklift Driver (Kellogg’s Co.)

Professional Computer Repair

Professional Photographer

Photography Sales (Rockbrook Camera & Video)

Medical Assisting (Family Med Plus & Creighton)

Chemist (American Laboratories Pharmaceutical Co.)

Research Scientist (Alzheimer’s, Methamphetamine Addiction, Schizophrenia, Diabetes, Apathy, Depression)

My Bachelors Degree is in Biology from Creighton, and I practically have a minor in journalism and theology.

A curious moment

A curious moment

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